State Income Tax Assistance
The Commissioner's Office prepares and electronically files state tax returns.
Commissioner of the Revenue - State Income Tax
Virginia Relay TTY
The Commissioner's Office prepares and electronically files state tax returns.
Commissioner of the Revenue - State Income Tax
Virginia Relay TTY
State income tax booklets and forms are no longer mailed to individuals who used a computer or a tax preparer to file their returns in the prior year. The Commissioner's Office provides Virginia tax forms, booklets and envelopes in City Hall, Building 1 at the Municipal Center.
State income tax assistance is available from the Virginia Beach Commissioner of the Revenue's Office.
The Commissioner's State Income Tax Department:
Virginia law requires individuals pay at least 90% of the income tax owed in timely installments throughout the year by having income tax withheld or making quarterly estimated tax payments. As a general rule, individuals whose estimated tax liability exceeds Virginia withholding and other tax credits by more than $150 are required to file an Estimated Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher, Form 760ES, unless one or more exceptions for making payments are met.
See the Department of Taxation's estimated tax and extension payments page on their website to use the 760ES Payment Voucher Form to file estimated payments. You may also file online through the Department of Taxation.
Send checks payable to the Virginia Beach Commissioner of the Revenue OR the Virginia Beach Treasurer.
The first estimated income tax payment is due on May 1 and should be sent to:
Philip J. Kellam
Commissioner of the Revenue
City Hall, Building 1
2401 Courthouse Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Send the remaining three estimated payments due June 15, Sept. 15, and Jan. 15 to:
Leigh Henderson, City Treasurer
City Hall, Building 1
2401 Courthouse Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
If possible, please include the reminder notice sent by the City Treasurer's office.
Virginia law provides an extension of time to file your income tax return. An extension does not grant extra time to pay taxes; it provides an extension for preparing and filing a correct and completed return.
File form 760IP with any payments due by May 1. The form may either be obtained in person from the Commissioner of the Revenue's office, you may request the form by email to the Commissioner's State Income Department, or you may download the form from the Virginia Department of Taxation's website.
As of Jan. 1, 2005, taxpayers may elect a six-month extension of time to file an income tax return without submitting a paper extension request. The penalty for failing to pay at least 90% of the tax due by the original due date (May 1) is 2% per month of the underpayment amount. Extensions are invalid for returns filed more than six months after the due date. A late filing penalty of 30% will apply.
Completed extension forms may be mailed with any necessary payment to:
Philip J. Kellam, Commissioner of the Revenue
City Hall, Building 1
2401 Courthouse Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Taxpayers are highly encouraged to take the time to properly identify and report Virginia Beach's three-digit locality code in the personal information section on the front of your state income tax return. Local school funding is allocated in part on this information.
Virginia Beach residents can hand-deliver or mail state income tax returns to the Commissioner's office.
Philip J. Kellam, Commissioner of the Revenue
City Hall, Building 1
2401 Courthouse Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Checks for tax-due returns should be made payable to the Virginia Department of Taxation
As an added convenience, tax returns may be deposited in one of two drop boxes located at the municipal complex. One box is located in front of City Hall at the end of the U-shaped driveway (on Courthouse Drive). The other drop box is located in the foyer of City Hall, next to the door of room 121 which is the Commissioner's main reception area.
Refund times vary depending on the method of filing.
Check the status of your refund:
Electronically-filed tax returns - Refunds may take up to 4 weeks to process.
Paper tax returns filed via United States Post Office - Refunds generally arrive in 8-10 weeks when filing and sending a paper return through the U.S. Mail.
Paper tax returns filed via United States Post Office sent certified mail - Since processing times vary for certified mail, refunds may take 1-3 weeks longer when sending them certified mail versus regular mail. Please allow up to 13 weeks to receive a refund.